Monday, January 10, 2011

Actual marathon training!

I spent the last week detoxing from the holidays and too many pretzels and beers in Germany.  After Christmas I traveled to Karlstadt, a gingerbread house town in Bavaria, for the wedding of dear friends J and J on New Year's Eve.  Dancing until 4am must have some training benefit, right?  It certainly made me tired!   But so did sitting on airplanes for hours and hours.
The happy couple
Schnitzel and potatoes - fuel of champions
Everyone needs a break from training once and while (even me), but it sure felt good to MOVE again!  Last week I swam with my Masters team, rode my bike outside in the sunshine for the first time in a long while, and even made it to a yoga class.  Hot yoga on a cold winter evening is awesome!  And I ran 24 miles as follows:

Tuesday - 7 miles on the roads (Mountain View) plus drills and strides
Thursday - 7 miles on trails (Baylands) plus drills and strides
Sunday - 10 miles on trails (Rancho San Antonio Park)

Technology geeks (Dad!) can check out the Sunday run data from my Garmin here.

I didn't even cover a marathon's worth of distance in a week!  I guess I have a ways to go, fitness-wise, before Patriots Day.

It's on!
Preparing to run a marathon is long process.  And so is fund-raising to find a cure for Friedreich's ataxia.  My intent in keeping this blog is for you, the reader, to be a part of the journey.  And if you are able to make a donation to FARA, that you understand how their work benefits families like mine.



Karin Tanabe said...

Just looking at that makes me tired. Oh! And Ken gave me a Garmin watch for Christmas. Maybe I will geek out and follow you on there too! xoxo

Janet Timbie said...

Anna, I want to see some more pictures of the food. I love that stuff.

AT said...

More food and less running is bad for marathoning, Mom!

Unknown said...

Hi Anna, Ok .. I am going to follow along and get inspired:) I am definitely inspired with what you are doing for FARA and I will be sure to donate as I follow your progress. Good luck and thank you for taking on this cause to help us all understand this disease.

Anonymous said...

There is NOTHING wrong with Schnitzel and Potatoes! ;-)