Monday, January 3, 2011

And so it begins.

Hello world!

I've finished three Ironmans, four marathons, and a whole lot of triathlons and running races, but this is my first attempt at blogging!  And fund-raising!  I'm running the Boston Marathon for the second time in April, and this year I'm raising money for the Friedreich's Ataxia Research Alliance as a member of Team FARA.  Over the next 16 weeks I'll post regular training updates as well as some more information about FA and my family experience with this disease.  I've recruited some guest bloggers (Timbies) to help me share our story. 

Timbies at the finish line in Boston in 2010
I invite you to follow along with my race preparations and fund-raising efforts.  You can learn more about FARA (and consider donating!) through the links on this site.

Thanks for visiting.  Lots more to come...


Karin Tanabe said...

Yeah Anna! You're such an inspiration to us all. Can't wait to follow your blog and be forever motivated by your amazing athleticism!

Anonymous said...

Felicitations Anna !

J'admire ton courage.

Bonne chance et excellente annee 2011.

Karin's Mom