Monday, January 17, 2011

Marathon training, week 2

I haven't completely abandoned swimming and biking, but they aren't my training focus for the next 13 weeks and they won't be the focus of the weekly updates.  The non-triathlete readership can probably only take so many workout recaps!

TRIbe track in the dark
Tuesday night track workouts with my triathlon club started this week.  I have a love/hate relationship with track.  I generally prefer to workout in the morning because 6pm is not a high energy time of day for me.  When I'm sitting at my desk at the end of the work day, reading through the workout our coach has planned, I barely feel motivated enough to change into my running clothes.  Much less bust out some fast miles!  But I'm accountable to the Tuesday crew that I've been running with for years, and I'm always glad that I went (especially once it's over).

Last week I ran 29 miles as follows:

Tuesday - 7 miles on the track with TRIbe 
                 warm up, balance and strength exercises, drills, strides
                 2 x 2K - alternating 400m moderate pace / 400m 5K race pace 
                 cool down, lunges and squats, stretching
Thursday - 7 miles on trails (Baylands) plus drills and strides
Friday - 3 slow miles on trails (Baylands)
Sunday - 12 miles in the hills (Rancho San Antonio Park)

The gory details from my Garmin are here.

Timbies post-Turkey Trot, 2010
Track was a wake-up call for my body!  I've been running consistently, but Tuesday was the first time I've tried to move at a faster-than-comfortable pace since the Turkey Trot 10K on Thanksgiving.  And that was just to work up an appetite for this:

Timbie turkey, 2010
There was a request for more pictures of food on the blog.  Enjoy! 


Karin Tanabe said...

Your workout scares me. Even from the comfort of my bed. And love the food pic! A little bit less than the German meal, but still looks great!

Carol Liou said...

Go Anna! This blog is a great idea -- thanks for sharing it with us!

Anonymous said...

are you on Plus3? would love to see your workouts there.

AT said...

I've never heard of Plus3.