Monday, March 7, 2011

Training update and "race" report

The results are in!  I feel a little guilty that I mislead the guessers, but I got sick at the end of the week (too much birthday revelry!) and when I still wasn't 100% on race day, I had to adjust my strategy from "racing" to "working hard but not digging myself into a big hole".  I ran 48:16 which makes CMT the big winner!  Congrats!  I promise I didn't rig it just because she's one of my very favorite blog readers.  For what it's worth, it was a tough course!  Lots of ups, downs, and changes of direction.  The overall women's winner ran ~44 minutes.  I was 7th overall, 4th of women age 30-39. 

A bag full of FARA goodies and a batch of homemade oatmeal-chocolate chip-cranberry-walnut cookies are on their way Boston.  If you're jealous of CMT, you still have another chance to claim your own prize by guessing my Boston Marathon time.  Stay tuned.

In addition to 6.2 miles for Jenny's Light, I also ran the following last week:

Tuesday - 7 miles on the track with TRIbe
               warm up, drills, strides
               3 x 1600m descending from #1 to #3
               cool down, core, stretch
Thursday - 7 miles on trails (Baylands) plus drills and strides
Friday - 4 sickly miles on trails (Baylands again)
Sunday - 12 miles - 3 mile warm up, 10K race, 3 mile cool down

The other important objective of the race was to try out my Team FARA jersey before Boston.  The team jersey alone is a little skimpy for my taste.  It's a loose-fitting, see-through white tank top!  So I've been experimenting with different base layers I feel more comfortable running around in.  This combination worked pretty well.
Extensively sweat tested post-race

The back - also a good message to girls trying to pass me!
Here's to good health and a final big training block before April!


Unknown said...

Those cookies sound yummy!

CMT said...

yesssss! nice job on the race, 4th in your age group is awesome