Monday, March 14, 2011

Training update, week 10

© Punk Rock Racing 2011
My California running last week:
Tuesday - 7 miles on the track with TRIbe
                warm up, drills, strides
                3 x (800m tempo, 2 x 400m fast)
                cool down, core, stretch
Thursday - 8 miles on the levy trails (Baylands) plus drills and strides
Friday - 4 miles jogging on trails (Baylands)
Sunday - 20 miles on the Sawyer Camp Trail, details here

My favorite outfit for running in overcast 50 degree weather - short sleeves and gloves.  And I like stripes!  You've seen the pictures.
warm hands = happy runner
My second 20 miler was followed by my first ice bath of 2011.  Misery.
Speaking of ice, I also went to my first Sharks game of the year.  Thanks GG!  I had much more fun watching other people smash themselves into the ice than sitting in it.
Sharks vs. Canucks on Thursday night
And finally, my stylish post-run outfit for recovering on Sunday afternoon.
Comfy compression socks!


CMT said...

hey i do the short sleeves and gloves thing too... must be genetic. sadly i dont have sweet striped gloves though

Unknown said...

That ice bath hurts me! Big time.

Karin said...

Ice bath! You're amazing!

Jane said...

Spoil yourself after the next long run at Watercourse Way in Palo Alto. You can reserve a hot tub room with a cold plunge (and it is COLD). I did that after Cal and spent a few minutes in the cold plunge and a few minutes in the hot tub and alternated. It felt (almost) like I didn't run at all. Happy training, I am getting excited to start some long rides! Amie