Friday, April 22, 2011

Final thoughts and THANK YOU!

I've never gone into a big event without a race plan and some sort of performance expectations.  And without those things to measure against, it's a little hard to know what to say when it's over except, it's over!  And I said that on Monday.  But now I have some pictures!
Friday night reunion
The chance to visit CMT was the main reason I first ran Boston in 2010.  And once again, she was an awesome marathon hostess, sherpa-ing me around town and tagging along on all my pre-race errands.  Thank you!
Packet pick up on Saturday
A highlight of race day was the chance to catch up with SF buddy Les on the long, slow school bus ride to Hopkinson.  It had been way too long since we'd had a good girl-talk.
BCC 4eva!
In 2010, my family braved the crowds on the T to get out to mile 17, saw all my friends run by, and somehow missed me.  If I had a race goal this year, it was to wave to my super crew and get one in return.
The finish line is always a happy sight and it's always better share it with friends and family.
It's always breezy in Boston!
Thank You's!

I have a lot of people to thank for all their efforts on the way to Patriot's Day!

Thank you Jamie Young, Marilyn Downing, and Jen Farmer for welcoming me to Team FARA and for all your support and encouragement.  And thank you for the work you do at FARA every day!

Thank you to everyone who stopped by to read this blog, shared it with a friend, or offered some feedback.  Two readers deserve a special mention:

Thank you blog guru KET for your early embrace of this project and for leaving sweet, supportive comments on nearly every single post I wrote!  I can't properly express how much it's meant to me!
KET is always there for me.
And thank you JPS (who probably never dreamed she'd make so many photo appearances on my running blog!) for all the kind words, thoughtful emails, and positive energy.  There is no one quite like your old friends!
In Karlstadt with JP-almost-S
Thank you to everyone who made a contribution to FARA!  The generosity of friends, family, and total strangers has been amazing and inspiring.  I hope that by sharing some of my family story over the last few months, you feel connected to the valuable, life-changing work FARA can do with your support.
CNT, Garrett, and Cousin J, 1982
Thank you to all the Timbies for reading, guest blogging, and enduring lots and lots embarrassing old photos.  With special thanks to CNT, Aunt C, Cousin J, and Garrett, for sharing your memories and pictures with me.  And the blogosphere!
JPT rockin 80's shades
And special thanks to my Timbies, CMT, JPT and Mama T, who in typical fashion went totaly above and beyond all reasonable expectations to help me raise some money for a cause that's important to all of us and follow some advice from a good book that was passed around our house.
Don’t let yourself be. Find something new to try, something to change. Count how often it succeeds and how often it doesn’t. Write about it.
~Atul Gawande


Unknown said...

You learned how to blog and I learned how to post comments. You did a wonderful job every step of the way: planning, blogging, and running.

Karin said...

Anna! Your blog was wonderful in so many ways - from the heart, fun to read and inspirational! Thanks for letting us come on your journey. I'm going to miss your great posts, guest posts and awesome photos. Go team FARA!

Unknown said...

I agree with Karin. I truly enjoyed following you on your journey and learning so much about FARA and your family's experience with FA. I'm going to miss your blog. Bravo!

And, thanks for the many shout-outs and photo ops!! :)

Becky said...

Congratulations Anna! You should be proud of what you've accomplished, both with running and FARA. Thanks for sharing your experience, it's been a lot of fun reading your blog!

jtcarleton said...

Great job on both your blog and your race. You have never shied away from a challenge, and consistently finish what you start. Two qualities I have always admired in you. Please give your Mom and Dad all my love, and tell Clare (if she remembers who I am!) congrats on her amazing achievements as well. Love you.